#DisruptHRSD --Join us on Twitter
Why is this a big deal?
Disrupt HR is an information exhange designed to energize, inform and empower people in the HR field.
The concept is simple. About 12 speakers spend 5 minutes to talk about whatever they want- so long as it's relevant to the world of work. The time has come...let's change the conversation in San Diego!!
Who should present/attend?
You don't need to be an HR professional to speak or attend. You do need to have passion and curiosity (and a sense of humor) about the movement in workforce transformation.
Speakers do not need to be leaders--we want to provide a platform for all passionate People persons so be sure to submit your unique topic via the website.
Why should I get excited about attending?
The speakers are awesome!!
The content is maverick, practical, funny, and bite size
The venue is cool (forget stuffing banquet rooms --we have booze and swagga!)
You will have fun and feel great about the future of W-O-R-K
So whet your appetite and enjoy the video above and then look forward to more information about the Fall date to DisruptHR San Diego!